Get 24/7 Access at the Ehlinger Center!
We are excited to offer 24/7 access at the Ehlinger Center. Getting started is easy!
Step 1: CALL OR VISIT the Watertown Area YMCA during business hours
Step 2: ADD monthly 24/7 access to your membership for $5 per person (Max $10/family)
Step 3: SIGN the agreement and activate your key tag for $5.
Step 4: STOP IN for your 24/7 access tour.
Step 5: WORKOUT at the Ehlinger Center anytime outside of our usual hours of operation.

Frequently Asked Questions:
To receive 24/7 access, you must be a Glacial Community YMCA member in good standing. Nationwide members are not eligible for access.
All 24/7 members need to sign an agreement, purchase a key tag for entry, and add monthly access to your membership. Any breach to the agreement will result in an immediate suspension of 24/7 privileges.
Members who are 13-17 years old can access the facility after hours ONLY if a parent/guardian is with them at alI times. Both the parent/guardian and teen must have 24/7 access added to their membership.
You are able to use the fitness equipment, restrooms and lockers any time the Y’s Ehlinger Center is closed (including holidays.) We suggest that you do not lock the lockers if you are concerned about getting locked out.
In addition, the following areas are off-limits:
- Staff offices and desk areas
- Stairwells
There is a $5 activation fee to activate your key tag. Each month you will be charged a $5/person add-on to your membership ($10 family max.)
No guests are permitted. Members with 24/7 access cannot bring other individuals. even if they are Y members.
Members using 24/7 access will have a key tag to enter the facility. Please use the designated 24/7 access entrance during unstaffed hours. Every 24/7 member is required to scan themselves in separately.
Your key tag is unique to you and will only allow access as long as your membership remains current.
No staff or emergency assistance will be on-site outside of our usual hours of operation, but the following resources are available:
- First Aid Kit
If your key tag becomes lost or damaged. Please contact us to purchase a replacement for $5. Key tags should not be shared with other members.
A video recording system is in place that will be reviewed daily to address security concerns and monitor usage. For your safety, we highly recommend that you exercise with another member who has 24/7 access.