Living Blessed

We lost one of our heroes at the Y. Roy Benford, aka Chako to many, lost his battle to cancer in early January, 2024. Chako was a regular in the YMCA at Pabst Farms branch and always brought a positive outlook on life when he visited. To our staff in the wellness center, Chako was family. And when a team of Y staff visited him in the hospital a few weeks ago, he introduced them to his biological family, saying “this is my YMCA family.” It was quite the bond, built by a mutual love for fitness, health, family and a deep faith.  

Chako had friends at many different levels here in the Y. But his dearest friends were most likely the ladies who would see him first most every day at the west end welcome desk. There was a relationship between them that would precipitate long conversations centered around family and faith as he would enter or leave the facility. Chako was a true encourager to them, and they to him. And that’s how he related to everyone he encountered on every visit. When greeted and asked how he was doing, his standard answer would always be, “I’m blessed.” And he truly lived that way, even after receiving this diagnosis and up to the day he no longer had the strength to visit the Y.  

Chako has left a legacy of love for mankind among many of our members and staff here at the Y. And his shoes are some big ones to fill. Our hope is that his memory will inspire all of us to live our lives in such a way that, in spite of circumstances this life can bring, we can all say, “I’m blessed.” Because we truly are, and Chako has helped us believe that in the way he lived every day. You are our hero, Chako.  

Photo of Roy Benford

Fitness is Better Together

In September 2022, longtime Y member Cheryl Hoegele-Schlicht was enjoying a weeklong trip to Las Vegas with her adult daughter, Jess. The two ladies realized that they were easily achieving 15k plus steps each day, walking around Vegas. They kept it up every day while on vacation. After they returned home, they decided to continue their daily streak and held each other accountable to working out each day.

After completing 30 days, the next goal was to reach 100 days. 100 days was tough but they did it. Mother and daughter kept on moving! A year later, Cheryl and Jess met their goal of exercising daily for 365 days in a row. They celebrated their one year with a trip back in Vegas, where it all started. It’s now November, and their streak is still going strong, for over 400 days and counting.

Cheryl attends Y group exercise classes to stay motivated in her journey. She enjoys a variety of classes including water aerobics and BodyCombat and she credits her experience in class and the fitness instructors as being very strong contributors to her success. “All the instructors are inspirational. I told a few of them about my goal, which helped me stay accountable. Kathy Wood in particular has been a great support. She gave me an inspirational quote bracelet on Day 100, which kept me motivated on some days where I didn’t feel like exercising.” 

Cheryl has found that classes definitely makes working out more fun; “I’ve made friends in classes that are now my friends outside the Y. Between knowing that there will be people expecting me to come, the great music and the enthusiasm of the teachers, I know I’ll get a challenging & fun workout.”

This kind of commitment doesn’t come easy. Cheryl says there were days where she was busy & didn’t get her workout done until after 10:00pm. But her commitment to herself, to her daughter and her “Y people” kept her going. “Knowing that people at the Y cared about me helped me stay accountable.”

If you’re looking to make exercise part of your regular routine, Cheryl has some advice: “Use the app to look for classes. Don’t be afraid to try something new. The instructors care and are there to help you. List your exercise or classes in your personal calendar as an appointment, so you make it a priority. Even if it’s not 7 days a week – set a goal for yourself. For an added bonus, tell someone that you’re doing it. You will become stronger physically & emotionally, when you prove to yourself that you can do it.”

Our fall group exercise schedule is loaded with opportunities for you to get in a fun workout with friends. If you’re new to group exercise, try an “intro” class before the real class and learn about the format, come early to class and introduce yourself to your instructor or schedule a SMART Start appointment to learn more about classes that would be a good fit for you.

Photo of friends in Vegas

Acting FAST to Make a Difference

When medical emergencies happen at the Y, there is a team of staff that show up to support the member or guest. More than a dozen of our staff are Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) trained and all of our Aquatics, Wellness and Manager on Duty staff have CPR and First Aid certifications.

In late June, our staff was put to the test. Christine is a long time member of the Y. She started doing our new Strength and Balance class earlier this spring lead by one of our Personal Trainers, Jody Arndt. After class Jody noticed that something was not quite right with Christine. “I noticed Christine sitting at the table … and I went over there and then right away she said ‘I don’t feel well.’ She was very confused. That’s not like her at all – she’s very sharp.”

Jody called for the Manager on Duty and several other staff came to assist. After a few questions, the Manager on Duty called Emergency Medical Services for their support and Christine was transported to the hospital. It was later determined that she had a stroke.

Christine made a strong recovery and was discharged to go home and to return to the Y. She is back in Strength and Balance class. Christine reflected on the whole experience: “I can’t say enough about Jody and the staff – I can’t be more thankful for how this was handled, because I believe that the fast response to something that was not normal probably saved my brain. I’m very thankful for that.”

Stroke effects more than 795,000 people in the US each year. Do you know what to look for when it comes to stroke warning signs? The American Stroke Association has an easy acronym to help you remember. Use the letters F.A.S.T to spot a Stroke.

F = Face drooping – does one side of the face droop or is it numb?

A = Arm Weakness – is one arm weak or numb?

S = Speech difficulty – is speech slurred?

T = Time to call 911 – stroke is an emergency and every minute counts. Note the time when any of the symptoms first appear.

In addition you may look for, confusion, trouble seeing, trouble walking, severe headache, or numbness. You can learn more about stroke, stroke prevention and symptoms you can look for at the American Stroke Association.

Giving Back to the Next Generation

Pictured above: Doug Meske, reading with YMCA child care children.

After devoting more than 50 years of his life to a career in family therapy, YMCA member, Doug Meske, knew that his time spent helping others was far from over. Once retired, Doug and his wife of 57 years, Rosie, decided to start volunteering their time helping at a local charity in the community, Lake Country Caring. However, even despite this outlet, something was still missing for Doug – the special interaction he once had working with families and children.

One afternoon, while walking on the indoor track at the YMCA at Pabst Farms, he noticed a long, red stroller being pushed alongside him with 6 smiling little faces beaming back at him. The joy from these happy YMCA child care babies was exactly what Doug was searching for! He decided to become a volunteer in the Y’s child care facility, working with children ages 6 weeks to 1 year old.

“Being a volunteer has truly given me a sense of purpose and accomplishment,” says Doug. “There is very little that compares to walking in and having these children crawl to me to be picked up and held. It is an absolutely wonderful feeling to know these little ones feel safe and comfortable in my presence.”

Doug also says another great feature of volunteering his time at the Y’s child care, is working alongside the incredible staff. The loving care, devoted energy and organization’s attention to detail are just a few of the reasons why parents choose the YMCA for their peace of mind. “It’s truly remarkable to be a part of,” says Doug, “and I am blessed for it.”

Pickleball – A Sport for All Ages & Abilities

For many Y members, the sport of pickleball can be a fun workout, as well as a wonderful social activity. Gaining in popularity over the last several years, pickleball, which combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong, is a simple game, appropriate for players of all ages and skill levels.

That’s why you’ll find 92-year old Y member, Nelson Fischer, on the pickleball court three times a week, playing a sport that has him not only staying physically fit, but also making new friends along the way.

A YMCA member since 2015, Fischer has always been active, involved in everything from downhill skiing to various team sports. But surprisingly, if you’ve ever had the pleasure of getting to chat with Fischer, he describes his experience with pickleball as less to do with fitness, and more to do with camaraderie among fellow players.

“As you get older,” says Fischer, “you want to be around people more.”

Fischer spends a lot of his time at home, caring for his wife who suffers from dementia, and values the respite for his own well-being, by playing pickleball at the Watertown Area YMCA.

Because a pickleball court is smaller than a tennis court (you can actually convert one tennis court into four pickleball courts), gameplay allows players to be close enough to one another that they can hold conversations. 

“I’m so thankful for the friends I’ve made here, and realize how important it truly is,” says Fischer. “My time here at the Y, playing pickleball, has made me feel younger, both physically and mentally.”

To read more posts like this one, be sure to visit our main blog page at

Meet the Y Team: Dawn Liddicoat

Here at the Y, we have a great team of staff members! We’d love for you to put a face to a name and get to know them a little better. 
Each month, we will feature a different director from either our Pabst Farms or Watertown branch locations.
We hope you enjoy this new opportunity to meet our incredible Y Team! 

This month, we’d like you to meet…

Health & Wellness Director at the Watertown Area YMCA , Dawn Liddicoat.

Dawn enjoys encouraging members on their fitness journey. Here’s a bit more about Dawn…

How long have you worked for the Y?  I worked for the HAWC before it became a Y, so officially 12 years at the Y, part-time, then full-time. In this building, since before 2008, I started with teaching Pilates while I worked another job. 

My job at the Y is:  Director of Health and Wellness, so I teach fitness classes, do personal training, lead the wellness center staff and instructors, oversee the wellness center, fitness schedules, workshops and events.

Pets:  Our family dog, an English Springer Spaniel named Hallie. She will be the only pet I will ever have.

Hobbies include:  Walking, hiking and bike riding, baking and watching sports

I work for the Y because: The Y’s mission aligns with my values and supports the community that I live in. I want to be around people that have a growth mindset and enjoy supporting people in their journey to make themselves better in mind, body and spirit. 

Favorite music: I enjoy lots of different kinds of music, hymns and spiritual songs, workout music, piano, classical, pop, rock, but if I had to pick one, Top 10 from the 80’s.

Favorite movie: I haven’t watched too many movies since high school, but those that I have watched, I watched with my kids when they were little.  Toy Story and High School Musical are my top choices.

The most fun part about my job is:  Connecting with members and staff and encouraging them on their journey in a class.    

Favorite sports team: Brewers, Bucks, Badgers and Packers and teams my kids played on.

Favorite restaurant:  The Harvest Market, Café Hollander

The most meaningful part of my job is:  Seeing people gain confidence and grow in his or her skills, whether it’s an instructor learning a new class format or a member learning about a particular interest and meeting a challenging fitness goal.

Favorite way to relax:  Hiking in nature, massage, sauna and Infrared Light Therapy or just sitting outside on my back patio in the summer.

Favorite holiday:  Christmas and Easter

The biggest lesson I’ve learned while working at the Y is:  So many lessons! Community, leadership and it’s not about the money. 

Community – Until I worked for the Y, I didn’t really understand community, what it means or how it is a part of who I am but also who I serve. 

Leadership – While I didn’t have an interest or opportunity for much formal education beyond high school, I have always had a growth mind-set and I truly enjoy working.  I love how the Y supports learning about leadership, growing as a person and how to better work with others. 

Don’t work only for money – Do something you truly enjoy doing and embrace the journey of growing into the person God wants you to be. Working at the Y, you can make a difference in your community, your co-workers are your friends and you have all that you need inside yourself, you just need to discover it. 

Friendship in All Walks of Life

Watertown Area YMCA members enjoy time spent together.

Whoever said “blood is thicker than water” certainly never met the rousing group of friends who make up the “One Big Happy Y Family” at the Watertown Area YMCA.

Coming from all different walks of life, these active senior women truly love, laugh and live well together. Celebrating everything from birthdays, graduations and holidays to hosting events and outings to welcoming one another back from a surgery or illness, they are one tight knit group of gal pals.

Nell Winkler, long-time YMCA member, considers herself lucky for being part of such a special friendship. At 76 years young, Winkler first joined the Watertown Y when it was known as the HAWC in order to start working on gaining back muscle tone and strength. Now, several years later, she says she had no idea at the time that it would lead to all the amazing friendships she has today.

“The Y has impacted me in so many ways,” she says. “I have made lovely friends. If I miss a class, it really affects my entire day. I’m so very thankful for the people at the Y and their kindness.”

Winkler says her friendships made at the Y go even further than just exercising together. “We’ve confided in one another. We’ve hugged and cried. We’ve comforted one another in times of need.”

She considers herself to be a happy, healthy senior because of what the Y has offered her both physically and emotionally.

Meet the Y Team: Cathi Dorn

Here at the Y, we have a great team of staff members! We’d love for you to put a face to a name and get to know them a little better. 
Each month, we will feature a different director from either our Pabst Farms or Watertown branch locations.
We hope you enjoy this new opportunity to meet our incredible Y Team! 

This month, we’d like you to meet…

Senior Adult Program Director at the YMCA at Pabst Farms, Cathi Dorn.

Cathi has been with the Y for over 20 years now! Here’s a bit more about Cathi…

Name: Cathi Dorn

How long have you worked for the Y? 24 years

My job at the Y is: Senior Adult Program Director, Safety Coordinator

Pets: Nala the rescue dog, Pete the bearded dragon

Hobbies include: Reading, car detailing, dog walking

I work for the Y because: No day is ever the same

Favorite music: Lynyrd Skynyrd/southern rock

Favorite movie: Inside Man (Denzel Washington, Clive Owen)

The most fun part about my job is: jovial interaction with members and staff

Favorite sports team: Formula 1 Red Bull

Favorite restaurant: Anywhere with a good breakfast for dinner

The most meaningful part of my job is: Helping to make someone’s average to lousy day much better

Favorite way to relax: Take a nap

Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving

The biggest lesson I’ve learned while working at the Y is: There still are really good people in the world

Meet the Y Team: Cameron Cudnohowski

Here at the Y, we have a great team of staff members! We’d love for you to put a face to a name and get to know them a little better. 
Each month, we will feature a different director from either our Pabst Farms or Watertown branch locations.
We hope you enjoy this new opportunity to meet our incredible Y Team! 

This month, we’d like you to meet…

Youth Program Director at the Watertown Area YMCA, Cameron Cudnohowski.

Cameron wears many different hats at the Y, but does so with lots of enthusiasm! Here’s a bit more about Cameron…

How long have you worked for the Y? June 2016

My job at the Y is:

Youth Sports Director; Supervisor of the Managers on Duty; Supervisor of the Youth/Teen Room; Supervisor of the Gymnasium; Personal Trainer; Group Exercise Instructor; Responsible for the Maintenance of the Weight Machines; Manager of the Watertown YMCA Facebook/Instagram Account

Pets: An English Cream Golden Retriever named “Thor”

Hobbies include: Jiu Jitsu, Skateboarding, Frisbee Golfing…

I work for the Y because: The Y family is the best part about working with this organization.

Favorite music: Metal and Hard Rock, my favorites are Metallica and Pantera.

Favorite movie: Jurassic Park

The most fun part about my job is: Interacting with everyone on the daily, and playing basketball with the Shuler boys.

Favorite sports team: Forever a New England Patriots fan, but Tom Brady is my favorite athlete.

Favorite restaurant: Fiesta Cancun is where my fiancé and I had our first date, but wherever I can get a margarita and a burrito.

The most meaningful part of my job is: Bringing joy to the individuals I interact with directly/indirectly with my job duties, whether its helping someone achieve their goals through fitness our providing someone a spot on a sports team with their friends.

Favorite way to relax: Cooking dinner and watching cooking shows

Favorite holiday: Halloween. I love the colors, apple picking, corn mazes, pumpkins, caramel apples, breezy weather, scary movies, and costume parties.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned while working at the Y is: Patience.

Keeping Each Other on the Path of Wellness

There’s an old adage, “good food, good friends, good times.” Watertown Area YMCA member, Pam Sterling, along with her tribe of fellow fitness comrades live out this expression well.

For the past 15+ years, the group of 5 women from the Watertown community have been dedicated on a regular basis to work out, fellowship and travel together, something they describe as keeping each other on the path of wellness.

It all started back in 2006, as Pam and one good friend were meeting every Saturday morning for coffee and a fitness class at the Watertown Area YMCA (formerly HAWC.) Over the years, as they continued to try new Y classes being offered, they met new women, finding camaraderie and adding to their group of steadfast workout enthusiasts, who also just happened to love a good cup of java.

“We think our early morning group gets along so well because we have a positive outlook on life. We encourage each other to try new classes and we challenge each other to keep growing,” says Pam.

From Cycling to Body Pump to Flow to Combat, no matter what the class was being offered, this group of women always found something to better their overall health.

This continued pattern of fellowship and fitness at the Y grew a tight knit bond between the five friends, eventually leading to taking vacations together to Northern Wisconsin. Exploring the Northwoods, hiking or biking, eating good food and enjoying each other’s company with time away has strengthened their relationships even deeper.

Pam says the accountability built from this strong bond is really what fuels the group to stay active together. “We all attribute our exercise habit as one reason why we feel good and are generally pretty healthy. We’ve learned about clean eating and healthy snacking from our Y teachers. But we’ve also learned about how important social connections are to our health,” says Sterling.

Even during the height of the pandemic, this commitment stayed stable, with the friends continuing to meet, socially distanced, to walk. They would bundle up and walk a good 3 miles around town, then have coffee together at home via Zoom.

Through the Watertown Area YMCA, this special group of women have found connection, support, encouragement and wellness.

Sterling adds, “As much as we like each other, we really feel like we’re part of the larger Y family. We also feel their support and encouragement to build our healthy spirits, minds and bodies!”