Now Open!
Our Early Education Center, located at The Collective in Watertown, is dedicated to providing an environment of trust, caring, learning, comfort and safety. Families trust us to give their children the same things the Y has been providing for years — the opportunity to develop a healthy spirit, mind & body.
The center is now open and provides quality full and part-time child care services for ages 6 weeks to 5 years.
Children will enjoy many included benefits while at the center:
- Breakfast, lunch, and snacks daily for ages 1-6
- Spanish for ages 4-6
- Phy Ed for ages 2-6, one day a week
- Weekly Religion class
All Y teaching staff are trained in Early Childhood Development. With the best facilities, materials and Creative Curriculum, Y teachers provide an effective social and education program.
Upon returning an interest form to the center, your name will be put on a wait list. During transition times and when we have an opening, families on the wait list will receive an e-mail with current classroom vacancies. E-mails will be sent based on the date the interest form was received. Please be sure to call if you are not receiving e-mails. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all personal contact data (i.e. e-mail address and phone number) are current. When space becomes available, classroom vacancies are filled in the following order of priority:
- Employer Sponsored Care Contracts.
- Any sibling of a child(ren) currently enrolled.
- The first full-time child added to the waiting list based on the date the waiting list registration form was received.
- The first part-time child added to the waiting list based on the date the waiting list registration form was received.
Employers can provide child care benefits for employees in the following two ways:
Slot Reservation
- Employers can reserve a number of child care slots for their employees.
- When the slots are not in use, the employer will pay the full cost of care per week to hold the slot.
- When an employee is utilizing care, the employer will contribute a set amount toward the weekly cost of care.
- This method insures a set number of slots will be available for employees regardless of a wait list.
Slot Participation
- Employers agree to contribute a set dollar amount toward the weekly cost of child care while an employee is utilizing a slot in the Early Education Center.
- If the center is on a wait list, priority is based on the amount of the employers weekly contribution (i.e. a child linked to an employer who contributes $150 per week would have priority over one who is contributing $100 per week.) In instances where the contribution is the same amount, children will be enrolled off the wait list in the order they entered the wait list.
Note: The Y will hold at least 30% of the slots for general community and families using WI Shares.
For fore information or to get started as an employer, contact Jon Lange, CEO, at [email protected]
Check out our Early Education Center Employment Opportunities here!
(Ages: 6 weeks to 2 years)
Babies love our bright, safe, stimulating atmosphere. Staff with specialized training in early brain development provide a warm nurturing environment. Your infant will receive special attention that builds affection and trust. A wide variety of age-appropriate activities help your baby develop skills and provide you with peace of mind when you’re away.
(Ages: 2-3 years)
Our transitional program provides experiences two-year-olds thrive on: taking apart and putting together; mixing and matching; filling and emptying; sorting and building. The Two’s program also emphasizes play to promote coordination and strength in growing bodies. Our staff will provide the praise and attention your child needs to develop a positive sense of self in these early years.
(Age: 3 years)
Our 3-year-old program provides children with developmentally appropriate activities and experiences. Guidance in social behavior and language development are our main focuses. Semi-structured interaction with children is encouraged in free play as well as creative and sensory activities. We follow a development-based curriculum, designed to balance your child’s education and social skills.
(Ages 3.5 – 6 years)
(Summer offers only full-day options for 4K.)
Our full and partial-day 4K program provides enrichment activities with the guidance of a curriculum. YMCA 4K encourages children to be creative, whether they are playing a musical instrument, singing songs, or planting seeds to watch them grow. While teaching daily lessons, our teachers ensure children the opportunity to make new friends and develop self-confidence in a team-oriented atmosphere. This program provides a well-rounded experience for your children to grow developmentally, physically, emotionally and socially.
672 Johnson Street
Watertown, WI 53094