Youth Behavior Policy

The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all youth participants. Our Code of Conduct serves as a framework for demonstrating our mission and valuesTo ensure the safety and well-being of everyone, we request that all participants follow the behavior guidelines below.   

 Respect for Others 

  • Do: Treat others with kindness, respect, and dignity. 
    • Don’t: Engage in bullying, harassment, or any form of intimidation. 
    • Don’t: Use profanity, abusive language, or make derogatory remarks. 
    • Don’t: Engage in inappropriate public displays of affection.  


  • Do: Follow all safety rules, age restrictions, and instructions provided by staff. 
  • Do: Report any unsafe conditions or concerns to a staff member immediately. 
    • Don’t: Engage in dangerous or reckless behavior that could harm yourself or others. 
    • Don’t: Ignore age restrictions for specific facility areas. 

Respect for Property

  • Do: Take care of YMCA facilities and equipment.   
  • Do: Respect the belongings of others. 
    • Don’t: Vandalize, steal, or damage property. 
    • Don’t: Leave trash or garbage in common spaces.  

Honesty and Integrity

  • Do: Be truthful and take responsibility for your actions. 
    • Don’t: Engage in dishonest behavior, such as lying, cheating, or stealing.


  • Do: Promote a welcoming environment where everyone feels valued. 
    • Don’t: Exclude, discriminate, or act prejudicially against others.

Substance Use

  • Do: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and encourage others to do the same. 
    • Don’t: Possess or use illegal substances, alcohol, or tobacco products on YMCA property.


  • Do: Engage actively and positively in all activities. 
    • Don’t: Disrupt activities or interfere with others’ participation 

Consequences for Violations of Code of Conduct  

  • Violations of this behavior policy may result in a warning, suspension, or termination of participation at the YMCA, depending on the severity and frequency of the behavior. 
  • Verbal Warning   
  • When possible, behavior issues will be immediately addressed by a YMCA staff member through open dialogue, expectation setting, consistent consequences, and potential parent engagement.    
  • Written Warning and notification to parents/guardians   
  • Suspension from YMCA programs and/or facilities   
  • Includes parent/child follow-up meeting with YMCA Leadership to re-sign Code of Conduct in order to return to the Y from suspension.    
  • Termination from YMCA programs or facilities   
  • Parents or guardians will be informed of any serious incidents and may be required to meet with YMCA staff to discuss their child’s behavior. 

The YMCA reserves the right to take any necessary action to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants. Our goal is to provide a positive experience for everyone, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and supportive environment.