Youth Guidelines

To provide a safe and positive experience for the youth of our community, the following guidelines related to facility use by YMCA members and guests will apply.    

Exemplifying the Y’s core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility, YMCA employees work with members every day to help them realize their potential. We promote and expect the same behavior from our youth members to create a safe, fun, inclusive and nurturing place for all. Our Code of Conduct outlines these expectations. To ensure the safety and well-being of everyone, we request that all participants follow our Youth Behavior Policy.

As a family organization we encourage members and guests to maintain an appearance that is not disruptive, distracting, nor offensive in any regard. Therefore we have adopted a modest Dress Code Policy. This policy aligns with the Y’s mission and core values so that everyone is comfortable when they come to the Y. Staff may ask a member or guest to change because of inappropriate attire.  



Age 10-12: Can use the Cardio and Circuit Rooms – with their parents – after an orientation with fitness staff. Can take Group Exercise classes with an adult, excluding cycling classes.

Age 13-15: Can use the Cardio, Circuit and Weight Rooms on their own after an orientation with fitness staff. May attend Group Exercise classes on their own.

Age 16 & up: Free access to the entire Wellness Center.

Youth/teen orientations demonstrate how to work out safely and effectively within the Y Wellness Center (2nd floor). It introduces exercise concepts and guidelines, gym etiquette and safety practices.

  • Parent/Youth Wellness Center Orientation: Ages 10-12 
  • Youth/Teen Wellness Center Orientation: Ages 13-15


In order to provide a safe and positive experience for the youth of our community, the following guidelines related to facility use by YMCA members and guests will apply. ”Supervising individuals” are defined as persons 18 years or older. The following general guidelines apply to all youth who are not participating in a supervised, structured program while at a YMCA location.   

  • Age 7 and under must have direct supervision at all times by a supervising individual or be signed into Kid’s Corner.   
  • Age 8 and older are not required to be accompanied by a supervising individual but are subject to the age restrictions for specific areas as outlined below. The youth must follow the age restrictions posted for specific rooms and activities.   


  • Age 7 & under:
    • If a child has passed the swim test or is in a life jacket, a parent or caregiver (age 16+) must be within visual and communication distance (feet in water) from the child and be able to easily reach the child.
    • If the child has not passed the swim test and is not in a life jacket, a parent or caregiver (age 16+) must be in a swimsuit within arms reach of the child.
  • Age 8-12
    • If a child has passed the swim test or is wearing a life jacket, they may swim in any designated open swim area without parental supervision.
    • If a child has not passed the swim test and does not have parental supervision, they must wear a lifejacket or be in water no deeper than the child’s chest.
    • Children ages 12 & older are permitted to use the hot tub.


  • Age 7-9: May use track, with parent.
  • Age 10-12: Welcome to use select cardio equipment and track after the Wellness Center policy agreement is signed, with an adult next to them. Take Group Exercise classes with an adult excluding cycling classes.
  • Age 13-15: Allowed to use the Wellness Center independently after orientation and waiver is signed by a parent. Can also use Free Weight area after an additional orientation. Group exercise classes also available to this age group.
  • Age 16 & up: Free access to the entire Wellness Center.