Climbing Wall

ROCK ON! The Climbing Wall is open!

Winter Open Climb Hours: January 2nd – June 14th

  • Monday – Thursday: 5:00-7:00pm (Orientation at 6:00pm)
  • Saturday: 10:00am-1:00pm (Orientation at 11:00am)
* Climbing Wall Closed February 22nd for our Snowy Summit Climbing Competition – see details here

Spring Break Hours: March 24th – March 29th

  • Monday: 12:00pm-2:00pm (Orientation at 1:00pm)
  • Tuesday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (Orientation at 3:00pm)
  • Wednesday: 12:00pm-2:00pm (Orientation at 1:00pm)
  • Thursday: 2:00pm-4:00pm (Orientation at 3:00pm)
  • Saturday: 10:00am-1:00pm (Orientation at 11:00am)

Your safety is our #1 priority when you’re at the wall.

The following guidelines have been established to ensure that you are safe while you’re having fun climbing!

  • Athletic shoes are required. (No sandals, boots, or crocs.)
  • If you have socks, we can provide climbing shoes in sizes 3-12.
  • Shorts must be long enough to protect skin from the harness. Skirts, skorts or dresses are not allowed.
  • A signed waiver is REQUIRED in order to use the climbing wall.
  • Climbers under the age of 18 years old must have a parent or legal guardian sign the waiver.
  • All visitors and participants over the age of 13, must complete a climbing wall orientation administered by a YMCA climbing wall staff member to use auto belays. Once the climbing wall orientation is complete, the participant may climb using auto belay devices.
  • To utilize the top rope routes, all visitors and participants must register for and complete a belay proficiency class to learn the basics of knot tying and top rope belaying.
  • Use of cell phones, audio players, or headphones while climbing or belaying is prohibited.
  • No snacks, food, or beverages allowed on the padded flooring.

Ages 0-7:

  • Ages 3 & under may traverse boulder with a spotter (as space allows.)
  • Ages 4 & up can climb up the wall.
  • ALL participants ages 7 & under, must be actively supervised by a parent or guardian.
  • Must complete a climbing wall orientation with a parent or guardian.
  • Once the climbing wall orientation is complete, the participant may climb without parent/guardian supervision, but must be assisted by a YMCA climbing wall staff member when using auto belays.

Ages 8-12:

  • Must complete a climbing wall orientation with a parent or guardian.
  • Once the climbing wall orientation is complete, the participant may climb without parent/guardian supervision, but must be assisted by a YMCA climbing wall staff member when using auto belays.